CIArbNig-Ibadan Chapter

Join Us

We welcome individuals from all backgrounds who have an interest in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to join CIArb as members and become part of our growing community of over 17,000 professional members and 10,000 student members. We have several levels of membership from Student, through to Associate (ACIArb), Member (MCIArb), Fellow (FCIArb) and finally Chartered Arbitrator (C.Arb).

Routes to Membership

There are three types of membership to choose from: Associate; Member; and Fellow.

To achieve CIArb membership, you can either:

  • Complete CIArb training to the required level for your chosen type of membership.
  • Complete specific courses provided by us.
  • Demonstrate professional experience commensurate with the knowledge and skills required.

Detailed information about each type of membership and the experience or qualifications required is below.

To become a Chartered Arbitrator, you must first become a Fellow and then pass a Panel interview. Read more about how to achieve Chartered status.

Membership Levels


Six months experience in dispute avoidance or dispute management.

To apply, please submit/upload: 

  • Applicant’s latest CV
  • A copy of reference letter from any individual (preferable a CIArb member at any grade) who have the first-hand experience of you in the role of dispute resolver or party representatives within the last six months. Referee must submit their reference on business headed paper or email from business address, including their business signature. 


Five years’ experience in arbitration, construction adjudication or mediation in a lead/sole capacity; including settlement agreements, the management of proceedings, and attending hearings which have resulted in the publication of a reasoned award or decision and have been a party representative in at least five (5) arbitrations/mediations/adjudications. 

To apply, please submit/upload:

  • Applicant’s latest CV
  • A schedule of appointments or participation undertaken in the last five (5) years with details of your ADR experience and a minimum of five (5) arbitration/ mediations/ adjudications cases details (date & brief outline of the case). The applicant is encouraged to provide copies of the award/decision (must be redacted).
  • A copy of two (2) reference letters from any individual (preferable a CIArb member at any grade) who have the first-hand experience of the applicant in the role of dispute resolver or party representatives within the last five years. Referees must submit their reference on business headed paper or email from business address, including their business signature. Referees should not come from the same organisation. 


Experience required 
  • A knowledge of the law of obligations, evidenced at first-degree level or recognised equivalent; or an understanding of law relevant to arbitration practice or recognised equivalent.
  • A minimum of ten (10) years’ experience in arbitration (as a sole arbitrator or tribunal member) and first-hand involvement in settlement agreements, the management of proceedings and attending hearings that have resulted in the publication of a reasoned award or decision.
  • Experience in writing, decision, and final arbitration award in the capacity of a sole arbitrator or tribunal member.
To apply,
  • A schedule of appointments undertaken in the last ten (10) years with details of your arbitral experience. Please include in which capacity you held the appointment, i.e. counsel, sole arbitrator or tribunal member; the year of the appointment, the case brief, the case value and outcome/decision.
  • Two (2) copies of published awards you have written as a sole arbitrator or member of a tribunal, in the past five (5) years. These must be redacted.
  • One (1) copy of an arbitration direction you have written (in the form of a procedural order) as a sole arbitrator or member of a tribunal, in the past five (5) years.
  • A current CV/Resume.
  • Letters of reference from two (2) CIArb Fellows who have firsthand experience of you in the role of dispute resolver, party representative or Arbitrator. They may be individuals who have appeared before you whilst acting as a dispute resolver, party representative or co-arbitrator. Referees must submit their reference on business headed paper or email from a business address, including their business signature. Referees should not come from the same organization.
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